Why We Exist

Purpose and Root Vision

School for the Ecocene cultivates programs and community for planetary liberation. For us, planetary liberation means that all beings can live in safe, sovereign, and healthy habitat. Our cooperative school is an offering to Earth.


We are guided by Earth, community, ancestors, and spirit.

We are composting, transforming and emerging in cycles of learning and unlearning.

We respect all expressions of life - past, present, and future - as sacred and sovereign relatives.

We celebrate the unique expressions and divergence in our communities, seen and unseen.

We (re)distribute nourishment to our mycelia of beings.

We foster autonomy, embodiment and interconnectedness in education for new and seasoned Earthworkers.

We honor our bodies, communities, and habitats as teachers.

We are intergenerational, interspecies, intercultural, and guided by our Black, Brown, Indigenous and Queer elders and youth.

We weave baskets of care for ourselves, our ecosystems, and each other beyond borders.

What We Do

Make learning how to steward the Earth, or be an Earthworker, accessible.

Spark connections and practices that support us in our current climate changes.

Share new skills for getting centered, mapping our desires, and moving our bodies and spirits for resilience.

Create an online hub of articles, resources, tools for connecting to self, community and ecosystem.

Be a platform for resource redistribution, mutual aid and networking for Earthworkers.